Monday, June 3, 2013

Text to Text Connection- Life of Pi -Old Man and the Sea

Life of Pi

Old Man and the Sea

Many readers have noticed the book’s resemblance to Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea. Both novels feature a struggle between man and beast. In The Old Man and the Sea, a fisherman struggles to pull in a marlin, while in Life of Pi, Pi and Richard Parker struggle for dominance on the lifeboat. Both the fisherman and Pi learn to respect their animal counterparts; each pair is connected in their mutual suffering, and determination. Although they are enemies, they are also partners, and keep each other moving forward for Pi and Richard Parker that means surviving for the old man it means to keep moving forward towards his goal. Both novels emphasize the importance of endurance. Because of their struggles both the old man and Pi are elevated to the status of a hero in their own sense and story.

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